Conversation with Dragonfly Capital Tom Schmidt.mp3
present: dexer, terrabellus, tomhschmidt, yoni9091
questions for tom
- how you got into crypto
- tell us about dragonfly
- thesis
- portfolio
- why juicebox
- thoughts on daos and treasuries going forward
- what you like, what you'd improve
- how tom got into crypto
- mining dogecoin and bitcoin in CS dorm room 2013
- led product at 0x for 2 years
- at dragonfly for 1.5 years so far
- mostly defi, some daos and cefi
- dragonfly
- east-west focus
- 1/2 team in asia, 1/2 US
- asia has largest exchange volumes and mining
- bridging east and west
- buybit launched bitdao recently for ex
- haseeb was at
- ashwin thundercore
- mia did bd at amber
- on daos
- there is a need for lightweight infra for daos
- this is what juicebox is doing
- many complex infra plays in the space, makes sense for complex projects
- need more great tools for grassroots fundraising
- related investments
- commonwealth
- they're going for dydx type customers
- huge, lots of users and employes
- parcel
- prosumer UI on top of gnosis safe
- good for folks like FWB
- why juicebox
- has traction
- building something people want
- sharkdao is great
- solving a problem people have
- it is live
- the community and branding -- the presentation of the dao is nice
- early stage, so much of what makes a good product is the team
- feedback on juicbox
- room to go lighter weight
- juicebox looks like its designed to pool funds
- dao for your group chat
- spin up quick and cheap
- even easier acquisition
- thinking with nicholas
- discord bot for spinning up a juicebox
- yoni: thoughts on the mechanism design of endless token issuance? should be capped eventually?
- probably want more flexibility about that eventually
- ability to give certain people discounts for certain lockup period perhaps
- capital formation depends on goal of the token sale
- suspect there's more nuance to token sales
- FWB may be interesting model
- anyone can speculate
- but still have to be approved by the dao to get access
- probably something better than
- levers people tend to pull
- vesting
- incentivize early contributors: beyond price exposure is there an exponential effect
- DAO success
- building a robust community is important
- not just contributors but users and others too
- you don't need to hold MKR to be part of Maker community
- 2017-8 scars: we remember that money raised wasn't enough to achieve success
- what is the money for? it's for building juicbox
- framing from goals perspeci
- terra: has been looking at protocol for 1 week
- struggles with how the fees are represented in tickets
- can't see 10% fee onchain
- can't see unprinted tickets as regards total token holders onchain
- would like tokenomics to be clearer for prospective contributors