

JuiceboxDAO is a place for builders. As it has matured, more people have begun contributing and submitting proposals for compensation, and more projects have been paying membership fees along an issuance rate that trails the market JBX rate.

Meanwhile the DAO’s mechanics for membership issuance have remained largely unchanged due to constraints of the V1 Juicebox protocol, which the DAO operates within. We’ve tuned reserved rate, discount rate, redemption rate, fee rate, and our payout schedule out of experimentation, but it might be time to think bigger by leveraging the new V2 tools at our disposal and our improved upon state-of-decentralization given the expanded multisig (lots of work left to do here, it is our biggest risk imo).

This proposal is to change the routine that runs when the JuiceboxDAO treasury receives any payment:


A few elements of JuiceboxDAO’s token mechanism have been coming under stress lately:

Note: The AMM liquidity depth is shallow. The following analysis must hold true independent of liquidity depth for any mechanism implementation based on it to be effective.

Observations: - Projects get fewer JBX than they would by spending fee funds on the JBX market. It’s in JuiceboxDAO’s interest if projects are more significant members as the protocol ecosystem grows, and in token holders interest if there is upward pressure on JBX market price. - The DAO takes in treasury funds and mints new JBX in return. Given the current treasury depth, the DAO would be better served refraining from additional treasury funds and not minting new JBX while the market satisfies the demand better than the issuance rate. - Reserved tokens get minted to contributors commensurate to the issuance rate, which as noted above, is well overvalued compared to the market rate. It’s in JuiceboxDAO’s interest if contributors are more significant members as the protocol ecosystem grows.


  1. The major risk here is the DAO’s intent to begin leveraging off-protocol JBX markets to satisfy its internal mechanism. Up to this point, the DAO has refrained from touching AMMs under any circumstance. This proposal opens up that can of worms.
  2. The DAO treasury will not grow, so long as AMMs offer a preferable price compared to issuance rate (currently 440k JBX vs 45k JBX)
  3. Actors on the reserved list are incentivized to keep the AMM JBX price low while stacking JBX. Reserved list members earn the most JBX when the price of JBX is very low on AMMs (percentage, or when the price on AMMs is more expensive than treasury issuance

