*How to fill out this template.*
Title: Peel recurring payout renewal
Author: aeolian
Date: 2022-04-23
Renew and increase Peel’s recurring payout.
Renew Peel’s recurring payout to US$46,000 per funding cycle. Peel is the team that builds and maintains juicebox.money.
Peel currently has the following responsibilities:
Since the inception of Peel in FC#15 we have been delivering on this promise. Our big project thus far has been adding support for the Juicebox V2 protocol on the frontend and in the Subgraph, which so far has been a success (we’re live on Rinkeby).
As the builders of the juicebox.money web app, any set of features that will become part of this app is our responsibility. To that end, we are requesting a payout increase to increase our bandwidth and accelerate the development of important projects relevant to all JBX holders:
This is also not to mention the backlog of features to improve the existing app and functionality (currently 88 issues: https://github.com/jbx-protocol/juice-interface/issues)