Author: filipv
Date: 2022-12-16


Once a month, transfer USDC from the JuiceboxDAO multisig to filipv to pay for Figma and Notion.


The DAO’s Figma subscription recently lapsed, blocking several contributors from doing their work.

Peel DAO’s Vercel subscription also recently lapsed, which temporarily prevented new deployments of

Several proposals to address these issues have failed to pass.


Once a month, at the discretion of the multisig, transfer no more than 500 USDC from the JuiceboxDAO multisig (0xAF28bcB48C40dBC86f52D459A6562F658fc94B1e) to filipv.eth (or another wallet designated by filipv) to reimburse the amount spent on monthly subscriptions.

The current monthly cost for these subscriptions is $305 ($255 for Figma and $50 for Notion), but this may vary depending on how many members each service has.



This is a temporary solution and is not very scalable. The subscription costs may go over the $500 maximum in the specification.


Billing details should be switched to a debit card operated by filipv within two weeks of this proposal’s Snapshot ratification. These payouts should take place until the soonest of:

  1. The DAO no longer having to pay for Figma and Notion.
  2. Another proposal amending or replacing this proposal.
  3. June 30th, 2023.